Border Crossing Tips

If you’re interested in traveling to Mexico or Central America by car, here are a few recommendations I have to make your border crossings a little easier.

Before even leaving your home country, make MULTIPLE copies of the following documents:

  • Passport(s)
  • Driver License(s)
  • Car Title (it’s important that the title is in the driver’s name)
  • Car Registration (we didn’t have to show it but it can’t hurt to have on hand)
  • Vaccination Records

Most borders require multiple copies of your documents so it makes it easier on you if you already have the copy ready to go as opposed to finding a copy place in each country.

Some countries also require car insurance or a copy of the entry stamp in your passport but you can get both on site.

Make sure you ALWAYS HAVE CASH. Most countries in Central America will accept USD or the country’s currency but credit cards aren’t accepted at most border crossings we’ve been to.

If you are traveling through Mexico or Central America…it makes it so much easier and a little more stress free if you or someone you’re traveling with can speak some Spanish. Not necessarily just for the border crossings but for traveling throughout the countries. It not only gives you the opportunity to meet locals but can also help in finding a solution easier if a problem arises. We had mechanical issues with our van and the fact that Sebastian could explain the situation in Spanish was a huge asset. We also got stuck in protests in Panama and just by Sebastian getting out and talking to the locals and police, we got a police escort to an alternate route which was all explained in Spanish. I know people can travel through these countries and get by without speaking the language, but I think it is in your favor if you know a little bit before you go…happy travels!!

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